Right, yesterday I recieved an email from Huddersfield uni, giving me details of a summer project I have to complete for the start of term. I'm REEEALLY excited about this project, it's called the "Dream Rocket Project", and basically I have to create a 15cm X 15cm panel that will in some way represent my ideas for a better future, to then be placed on a 363ft rocket in America.
Information - http://www.thedreamrocket.com
As anybody who knows me will already be aware of, nearly every piece of work I do directly relates to nature, and I'm very concerned with environmental issues such as pollution, global warming etc. I think I am going to use pollution as my starting point, focusing on materials that are often thrown away that then come to harm the environment.
I am REALLY looking forward to this project, and think it gives me a great opportunity to broaden my use of different materials etc. I'm going to go write up some ideas now, but I will keep you updated with images of it's progess etc! :D
Ciao! xx