I am trying to complete my cushion at the moment, and it is coming on well. I have made a mistake halfway through, and I'm not sure if it's my pattern or my lack of concentration, but I'm going to ask someone else to try knit the pattern and see if they have the same problem.
In other news I have just come back from a week in the lovely St Ives, Cornwall visiting my Mam and gorgeous baby brother (who now has the strongest Cornish accent imaginable!) and I'm already dying to go back. Very depressing drive back to Bradford I must say, and I have decided pretty solidly that once Uni is over etc I'm definitely moving down there. The little boutique style shops are so unique and beautiful, I walked round making mental notes of craft projects to try, and came home and got my box of stuff out! I feel constantly motivated and inspired down there, and back up here that has all just fizzled out again.
Unfortunately I have no pictures of anything for this post, making it fairly boring, but ho hum, by my next post I should definitely have completed at least one project! (Fingers crossed...)
Ciao!! xx
P.S. Almost forgot!! I got my results back for my Foundation Course! I was one mark of a distinction! Bitter-sweet really, my first reaction was utmost happiness, 'cos I thought the most I would get was a pass, so to get over that was amazing. But once the shock died down and I came to terms with it, I realised that if my motivation hadn't fizzled out in the last week I could have got a distinction. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now, except learn from the experience! :)